Not, really… I wanted to title it “Final L2Orkdown” but someone had already taken a title close to it… sneaky Ico. ANYWAY: It is Tuesday night before Friday’s big Sneak Preview and on top of the billion of other things to do this week, I couldn’t be more excited and I’m sure my fellow L2Orkists agree (even if for entirely different reasons). I’m excited to finally bring this to the public, even if it winds up being a select few, but I think more than anything I’m ready to take this thing to the next level.

I know, it seems as though I’m rushing ahead of myself, and other things, but I honestly feel like L2Ork is ready for the next step: fresher pieces, community involvement and fresher faces. I believe that after a month off some L2Orkists will begin to miss their time with the tiny netbooks and hemispherical speakers and want to return to making music. I believe that the L2Ork as we know it will be completely different than the L2Ork of the future and that will be made possible by fresh faces, new ideas and the innocence of children… wait what? You’ll see…

Well, it is time to go back to work; hopefully, we’ll see you on Friday!

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I was just informed that we now have an official Virginia Tech PR kit made publicly available through Virginia Tech Public Relations office (many thanks Jean for all your hard work on this one!). For more info click here. Apparently, the same release has also found its way onto Newswise (viewable here).

Things are also getting very hectic on the rehearsal front with patches and bug-fixes being issued on a daily basis leading up to the Friday debut.

Almost… there… must… stay… awake…

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Upcoming L2Ork Debut

December 4th 2009 L2Ork Sneak PreviewAll right, so the event page has been now updated. The countdown to our debut “sneak preview” event is now officially underway. For additional info, click on the events page and/or visit our us on Facebook

Happy Thanksgiving!

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The Final Countdown

We are now barely a week away from L2Ork debut, or what we now call a “sneak preview” performance. And even though we are now officially on Thanksgiving break, there is an unmistakeable sense of mounting pressure, so much so it appears neither the break nor precious time spent with family will let me forget its presence…

Posters have been printed and they look really cool, as in over 9000 cool :-) (thanks David!). We also have a facebook event page up, which reminds me, we need to update the “events” page asap…

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Following our first public rehearsal footage showing at TEDxMidAtlantic, we’ve decided to share the same video with the World via YouTube:

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