Category: Announcements

I was just informed that we now have an official Virginia Tech PR kit made publicly available through Virginia Tech Public Relations office (many thanks Jean for all your hard work on this one!). For more info click here. Apparently, the same release has also found its way onto Newswise (viewable here).

Things are also getting very hectic on the rehearsal front with patches and bug-fixes being issued on a daily basis leading up to the Friday debut.

Almost… there… must… stay… awake…

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Upcoming L2Ork Debut

December 4th 2009 L2Ork Sneak PreviewAll right, so the event page has been now updated. The countdown to our debut “sneak preview” event is now officially underway. For additional info, click on the events page and/or visit our us on Facebook

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Entrusting the L2Ork Hemi Cohort to Our Benevolent OverlordAnd so the first phase of what is hopefully going to be a very long (in a good way :-) saga in the life of L2Ork draws to a close and it seems like a perfect opportunity to once again thank all involved for their hard work and dedication. Not only have we met most if not all of our projected summer milestones relying exclusively upon a cohort of undergraduate student researchers, but have also managed to squeeze-in a few extras and to top it all off have a good deal of fun doing so!

So, once again I thank all Students and Colleagues: Dr. Martin and Prof. Standley for your hard work and dedication, I wish you a very pleasant and restful summer and I hope to see at least some of you in the fall as part of what is to become the very first generation of L2Orkists. Until then, be safe, get plenty of rest (you have definitely deserved it), and perhaps most importantly be proud of what you’ve accomplished!

Now, back to packing… Vacation, here I come!

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This being the last week of our summer project, I feel rather good as we’ve accomplished most if not all of the goals set back in the Spring of 2009. We’ve:

  • Researched the most cost-efficient version of the L2Ork hardware and supporting infrastructure;
  • Designed, prototyped, and developed L2Ork version of the hemispherical speakers;
  • Produced mono and 6-channel versions of cables so that the 6-cone speakers can be driven as a mono or multichannel sound system with simply swapping the speaker cable;
  • Optimized Ubuntu 9.04 Linux distribution for L2Ork use;
  • Overhauled Linux GUI for the Pure-Data rapid multimedia prototyping and development software platform (no worries, we’ll be posting source soon);
  • Prepped 12 out of 17 MSI Wind netbooks for the Fall L2Ork curriculum (we should hopefully take care of the rest tomorrow);
  • Developed a threaded version of the wiimote Pd external that is Pd-audio-thread safe and dramatically lowers latency for the LED and vibration feedback (source distribution coming soon);
  • Designed branding logo and produced the L2Ork website (based on the amazing WordPress);
  • Shot tons of instructional footage, and photos, some of the said footage has been already produced (thanks Maya!) and is available on the DISIS Youtube channel and L2Ork media pages (and more coming soon!);
  • Painted tons of wiimotes and nunchuks black (yeah, we also heard about the E3’s big announcement regarding upcoming release of the black wiimotes but we simply did not want to wait until the end of the year for the cool stuff to hit eastern shores of the Pacific);
  • Designed and prototyped cost-efficient netbook performance holster, and
  • Secured additional partners and sponsors.

Finally, as promised, we are sharing our first photos of the L2Ork hemispherical speakers with the World. Enjoy!

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Is It a Hemi or an IKEA Salad Bowl?

Is It a Hemi or an IKEA Salad Bowl?

It’s been a while since we posted anything, and with a good reason–we’ve been tremendously busy building speakers and supporting infrastructure. By Friday (June 26th) we had our first speaker up and running and the excitement was at an all-time-high. Once the rest of the cables, faceplates, and other supporting hardware were prepped, the remaining speakers progressed at a staggering pace. Consequently, last week we built the remaining 15 L2Ork speakers in less than four days. Special thanks go to all L2Ork worker bees for such a fine job! We should be posting photos shortly, so stay tuned!

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