Tagged: NES

A warning: I’m writing this from work, so it may be disjointed and horribly unentertaining.

I’ll be honest – I haven’t picked up a real instrument in about 4 years (the last time I legitimately played my trumpet was in New Orleans during the Sugar Bowl in 2005). During the summer months before school started I began to have dreams about playing in an ensemble. In an attempt to calm my mind I tried again to teach myself guitar but self-lessons didn’t pique my interests in the way they had before. And so I would dream of making music… until the semester started. I don’t know if it really was L2Ork that ended the recurring dreams or the exhaustive properties of working 45+ hours a week and taking 13 credit hours, but eventually they stopped.

Why do I bring this up? Well, it may not seem like much right now, but I think that what is being built in L2Ork is something spectacular.

I don’t know how much I am contributing – my music theory knowledge has dwindled after years of dormancy – but I do feel as though I can contribute in some way, shape or form.

Ico is getting stressed from having to constantly squash bugs and with the realization that a performance is only a month away I can only imagine him as Mario, running through the sections in the mini-boss castles in Super Mario Bros. 3 with the spikes at the bottom of a descending wall.  Luckily, though, I think that with the help of the members of L2Ork Ico will find that the wall only has spikes on one side and by jumping to the top of the wall can get to the Warp Pipes that lead to “L2Ork,” “…?…” and “Profit.”

I guess what I’m trying to say is that we are making music, we are an ensemble, we are dangerously close to a public performance and I believe that we will make it after all.

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